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Thursday, November 29, 2007


it's been sometimes since i updated myself... have been lazy updating my blog.. haha... the trend whereby i blog most of the time during exam period was not seen in this semester... what's going on? haha im just lazier than last time...

firstly, exam finally is over... this semester exam period seemed to be torturing, cos my exam dates have stretched for 3 weeks! oh man... it was such a painful period... finally it was over.. yeah! haha the first task for my post exam activities was changing my blog template... change bk to my favorite color theme... yeah!... manage to learn new stuffs from photoshop.. it's great!

previously din manage to update my birthday in the blog (stop giving excuse sp, you are just lazy), now shall update abit... great 21st birthday celebration firstly with my dear, then wif my friends and then my family... thnx for all the wonderful presents.. luv them so much!

oh ya currently what am i addicted to? haha is FACEBOOK! oh man, everytimes i online, im sure in facebook... one source of entertainment for me during exam period... lots of applications in facebook to explore, though i noe some are really quite childish... but who's care, it's ok if it is fun...

hmm my plan for this holiday..... should be finding drama and anime to watch ba... These 2 can occupy much of my time le... Not forgetting, also accompany my mum to gai gai and also hei zhu... hehe... hmm 1 month of holiday, i think it will pass very fast...

ok that's all.. should be updating my blog every now and then...

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