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Thursday, November 29, 2007

偶像剧 排行榜

haha what a topic huh... im just nth better to do.. so i decide to rank the 偶像剧 that i have watched... Just to emphasize - this ranking is just determined by my own opinions... haha no offence....

1. 放羊的星星

i like the storyline... have the urge to watch the next episode... nice casts... worth to watch...
Casts: 林志颖, 刘荷那,立威廉, 李威

2. 海豚湾恋人

one of the first few 偶像剧 that i have watched... i like the those places that they had shot this drama... very nice places... oh i rmb... first ep i cried alot because of their childhood... haha
Casts: 张韶涵, 许绍洋

3. 恶魔在身边

帅帅的贺小美... typical 偶像剧... the storyline will not die down... cos each ep will have some issue to focus on... not like some other dramas, a few eps will quite bored ( cos the purpose is jus to drag storyline)
Cast: 贺军翔, 杨丞琳, 王传一

4. 斗牛,要不要 (on-going)

latest 偶像剧... currently only till ep2... first episode captured mi... nice storyline gg on... have the urge to watch next episode after seeing the 预告... shall see how 's the story go.. hence the ranking might change at the end.. haha...
Casts: Hebe, 贺军翔, 李威

the following listed dramas will not be ranked....
- 转角遇到爱
- 深情密码
- 白袍之恋
- 恶作剧之吻
- 换换爱
- 斗鱼1/2
- 公主小妹 (on-going)
- 微笑Pasta
- MVP 情人
- 花样少年少女
- 天国的嫁衣
- 战神
- 千金百分百
- 薰衣草
- 天国的嫁衣
- 爱情合约

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