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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Recess over..

Yesterday was the start of the second half of this semester le.. woah so fast one week of recess was over... This recess week has really been slacking, only manage to touch on biz finance... nvm as said by zhuzhu, recess week is for me to rest.. haha...

Recently, have to make 2 decisions regarding academic matters.. Firstly, is the S/U option... I have came to a decision regarding this... I have decided to S/U HRM... Initially still considering whether to S/U anot cos next semester still have 2 concentration modules to take... However, after today I have heard and found out that concentration modules cannot S/U, so i have confirmed to S/U my HRM...

Next, another decision to make is between Honours Project and Industrial Internship... Still considering which to opt... hope after tmr talk, i am able to come to a decision... There are bound to have pros and cons for the 2 options.. Really have to make a careful choice... However, din really expect to make our decision so fast, thought it should be during next semester...

Anyway, hectic weeks coming ahead... About 1 more month plus, exam going to start... Everyone jiayou...

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